Jeremy Perna

Undergraduate Researcher


Jeremy is in the Class of 2020 in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Columbia University. Planning to major in Biomedical Engineering, he found his way into the world of neuroscience through his passion for Buddhist meditation techniques, including but not limited to the vipassanā (mindfulness) and mettā (lovingkindness) Theravada traditions. Jeremy hopes to use the technical skills from his engineering training to fuel scientific insights with a particular interest in computational neuroscience and imaging techniques. He is currently working on building an automated and precise behavioral assay for the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance research in the Marlin group. He also loves teaching and is currently working as a tutor for the introductory biology course at Columbia. Jeremy is currently reading through the Columbia Core literature and philosophy syllabus, regularly journals and maintains a consistent vinyasa yoga practice.

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